Monday, June 28, 2010

Sign the petition

Just another reminder if you haven't already, sign the petition. Have your mother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncles, and granpa too!!

We got over 400 online and 300 on paper for over 700 total. Let's keep it going. Also, I am open to signers to say whether they prefer Bags or Cornhole for the name of the sport so make your voice heard.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Roads in Ohio can be deceiving

I am finally rested after a long and winding road trip throughout Ohio to shoot some pickups. It was a fun time and I would like to thank my friend Stephanie for giving me a place to crash and listening to me whine about crazy Cincy roads. Some words of caution for anyone headed to that area, buy a Garmin. Never thought I'd need one but that blacktop is serious yo! If it looks like it should take and hour on the map give yourself two hours, and there are no highways around Cincinatti, only on ramps and off ramps. Be prepared.

Much good came about this weekend though. Bought some tailgate boards and some bags at The Hole in Milford, the first retail Cornhole/Bags store in the world and got to hang out with Matt Guy and the Guy fam to see where it all began and where Matt practices occasionally in the colder months. All the die-hard baggers out there know that this was neat to shoot the reigning King of Cornhole practice with his dad and sons in the beautiful Kentucky countryside.

Also got a chance to talk with Jack Williams and Rick Mays from the World Championship of Cornhole out in Chillicothe, Ohio. Talking about the future of the game and ideas we all have can only get baggers around the country excited. Two good guys that are doing good for the sport of cornhole. Ate a good burger, drank some Gumballheads with Jack, won the adoration of two cute girls (at least 8 year old girls think I'm cool) and got some great footage. Now only if I can get them to change it to the World Championship of Bags....
photos coming soon.....